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Sunday Pancake


Don't let the Sunday Scaries get you down! Here are a few things you can do to pass the day relaxed and ready to kick Monday's butt!

Sleep In!

It seems obvious, but we don't always take advantage of the days we can actually sleep as much as we should. If you're anything like me, you're probably used to still getting up more or less within an hour of the time you wake up for your Monday - Friday schedule. Nothing wrong with starting your day early, but when you're staying up late too, it usually comes back to bite you. So take advantage! Draw the blinds, wear an eye mask, and curl up under multiple blankets!

Make Pancakes!

Okay, maybe I'm biased, any fun breakfast food will do. But it's Sunday, you should feast! During the week we don't always have time or energy to sit down and make a proper breakfast, so treat yourself like the royalty you are and go all out. Pancakes, french toast, waffles, pastries - what ever your heart desires. Maybe get fancy and make eggs benedict or avocado toast! Whatever you do, just don't forget your mimosa or cocktail/mocktail of choice!

Watch ("Bad") TV or Football

For sports fans, Sunday is often reserved for football whether your team is playing or not. If that's you, make some fun apps, put on the game and kick back!

If you're not really one for sports, then indulge in some "bad" tv. Of course there's nothing wrong with sitting down for an Oscar winning film or Emmy winning tv show if that's what you're in the mood for, but I personally like to watch "trash" tv on my lazy days. It's perfect to have on in the background while you do other stuff and also fun to watch with a mimosa ;). My roommate's and my favorites are Selling Sunset and The Bachelor(ette), but I also love to make Sunday a sitcom marathon!

(Sundays are also good for Movie Marathons - with the holidays you KNOW there are at least three channels with a Harry Potter marathon playing as you read this.)

Go for a Walk or Do Some Yoga!

I love spending my weekends walking around my neighborhood. Do you have a dog? Take them out as your excuse for fresh air! When I'm visiting home, I use it as a nice change of pace from living in the city. When I'm at my apartment though, I LOVE to explore new places to eat and go in my area. Maybe go for a walk to a nearby park, wander into a coffeeshop or go explore a new local business (socially distant of course)! Especially nowadays, who doesn't love supporting local small businesses!

I also love taking the time to do some light yoga at home! Of course a vinyasa is always great if you're in the mood for more of workout, but I also love some restorative yoga where you can just hold the stretches and detox! A little TLC for your muscles never hurts as you're heading into a Monday!

Read a Book or Do a Craft!

Put on the kettle, make yourself a nice, cozy cup of tea and curl up with a good book! The week goes by so fast and things pile up so quickly, the weekend is a great time to catch up on books you have backlogged if you didn't have time between work and other obligations.

It's also a great time to start a new craft or catch up on crafting projects you've been working on! Crocheting, knitting, drawing, and painting are some of my favorites! I'm personally in the middle of a couple crochet projects that during the week I just don't always have the energy to do. If you need some crafty inspiration my friend has a great Instagram account full of ideas (Creativity By B)!


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